Introduction and Welcome! Question: Are you watching "The Chosen?"
Hello everyone!
This is the first post of my first blog as part of my new ward missionary calling! I'm very excited and have no idea what I'm doing. So I'll start with asking for your patience and understanding. I'm sometimes foolishly open about my feelings, which run deep when I discuss my Savior and my understanding of doctrine. But I love to learn and I love to share and learn from others, so I look forward to this opportunity. Things you should know:
1. I'm a proud member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was born into the church, though my parents were sometimes inactive (Dad especially so). I went through a period of inactivity myself that lasted over a decade and went down some rocky roads. Then a dear friend (not a member) challenged me and I realized that after all my searching through every religion I could find, none answered my questions or mirrored my feelings about what my Savior is like as closely as my ancestral church. So I cam back.
2. I don't know everything! I have no degrees in religion. I'm not an expert in the church. My calling doesn't give me authority in anything. I'm just a typical member who stumbles through life promising to get up and keep trying. In fact, I find my understanding of the Savior and of the church's doctrine is changing - I think maturing. This is a good thing! We've been called on to learn to receive our own revelation. And our prophet, President Nelson, continues to guide the church in new and exciting directions. "Line upon line," as we say (Quote from the Book of Mormon).
3. I truly believe in searching out the truth in all religions, and I always find it! It's why I love discussing religion with anyone interested. There are many paths to God. "God loves wondrous variety," (movie quote from "Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves). We are richer for diversity.
4. I believe the Lord is calling to all his sons and daughters, gathering them and preparing them for his return. Anyone sincerely searching can hear him, regardless of your religious standing. His is pleased with any effort we make to follow him, and he has asked us over and over NOT to judge others.
5. For this reason, I hope any comments or responses will be respectful, supportive and embracing. We are ALL God's children. We're family! I will be sharing my deepest, most treasured thoughts. I hope you will as well. We will not agree on everything, but I hope we can come to an agreement about our love for the Savior. My experience is that he demonstrates his love for each of us every day, in both the good and the bad, if we keep our eyes open.
Just to get some conversation going, is anyone out there watching "The Chosen?" It's an amazing series, produced by Dallas Jenkins. I don't know what his religious affiliation is, I don't think he's a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He's an inspired Christian and he and his production company are presenting us with amazing scriptural insights. His approach to production is sincere and I believe is divinely guided. The New Testament stories are full of deep thought and the characters are compelling, though somewhat fictionalized. The series continues to touch me and I'm often compelled to pick up the scriptures to see what's actually written there. Anyone else a fan? What are some particularly moving episodes?
Love to you all!
P.S. I am solely responsible for everything I write. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is in no way responsible for everything in my content. In fact, they're not even reading this. J:)
You are a wonderful example and expressing your feelings openly is a wonderful trait, I love that you are always bubbling over with enthusiasm - in short Keep It Up :)